Greg Singh (PhD) joined the Division of Media, Communications and Culture at the University of Stirling in 2013 as Lecturer in Media and Communications, and is Programme Director for Digital Media. He has published widely on a number of subjects including popular cinema, film theory and film-philosophy, depth psychology, videogames, Japanese sf cinema, and representations of technology in television drama. Greg is currently working on a book-length study for Routledge discussing psychosocial aspects of digital literacy and Web 2.0. He holds a BA (Hons) in Film Studies with Media and Video Production (Bucks.), an MA in the History of Film and Visual Media (Lond.), and a PhD in Film and Television Studies from the University of Reading. His thesis was on aspects of cinephilia and the encounter with narrative in the afterlife of cinema.
Research Interests include:
Affordances associated with the psychology of connectivity in Web contexts
A critique of Web 2.0, its historical failures, and the psycho-political implications of lock-in
Media ethics and digital literacy
The disassembling tendencies of Collective Intelligence and its implications for individuation in community and group dynamics
Cinephilia and popular film cultures
Film-philosophy, with a particular emphasis on existential phenomenology
-The Death of Web 2.0: Locked-In Psyche in the Twenty-First Century > (working title, contracted monograph, Routledge, 2015/16)
- Feeling Film: Affect and Authenticity in Popular Cinema >(Routledge, 2014)ISBN:>0415496365
-Film After Jung: post-Jungian approaches to film theory (Routledge, 2009) ISBN: 0415430909
-Guest Editorial, International Journal of Jungian Studies, special issue on moving image (Routledge, 2014) ISSN: 1940-9052 (Print), 1940-9060 (Online)
-Recognition and the Image of Mastery as themes in Black Mirror (Ch4, 2011-present): an eco-Jungian approach to ?always-on? culture? in International Journal of Jungian Studies, special issue on moving image, Vol. 6 No.2 (Routledge, 2014) ISSN: 1940-9052 (Print), 1940-9060 (Online)
-The Myth of Authentic Self-Actualisation: Happiness, Transformation and Reality TV? in Fadina and Hockley (eds.) Happiness Illusion: How the Media Sells us Fairytales. (edited collection, Routledge, 2014)
-The Kitsch Affect; or, Simulation, Nostalgia and the Authenticity of the Contemporary CGI Film?, in Sperb and Balcerzac eds. Cinephilia in the Age of Digital Reproduction: Film, Pleasure, and Digital Culture Vol. 2 (edited collection, Wallflower, 2012). ISBN:?978-0-231-16217-3
-Cinephilia; Or, Looking for Meaningfulness in Encounters with Cinema?, in Hauke and Hockley eds. Film and Jung II (edited collection, Routledge, 2011). ISBN: 0415488974
-From Lonely Streets to Lonely Rooms: Prefiguration, Affective Response and the Max Payne Single-Player? in Bould, Glitre and Tuck eds. Neo-Noir (edited collection, Wallflower, 2009). ISBN: 1906660174
-CGI: A Future History of Assimilation in Mainstream Science Fiction Film? in Extrapolation Vol. 48, No. 3 (University of Texas Press, 2007) ISSN: 0014-5483/02/0431
->Remote Control: Exposure and the Limits of Sound Design in Tsukamoto Shinya?s A Snake of June?, in Jeffers-MacDonald and Wells eds. Realities and Remediations: Film at the Limits of Representation > (edited collection, Cambridge Scholars, 2007). ISBN: 1-84718-192-9
-Review entries for Berra ed. Directory of World Cinema: American Independent Vol. 1 (Intellect, 2010). ISBN: 978-1-84150-368-4
-Review entries for Berra ed. Directory of World Cinema: American Independent Vol. 2 (Intellect, 2013). ISBN: 978-1-84150-612-8
-Imagining Our Selves: another step for SF film-philosophy? Review Essay in Science Fiction Film and Television Vol. 4 no. 1 (Liverpool University Press, 2011) ISSN: 1754-3770