Steven Conway (PhD) is a convenor and lecturer of the Games and Interactivity course at Swinburne University of Technology. His research interests focus upon the philosophy, aesthetics and psychology of games and play.
Whilst primarily working as an academic, Steven has also been involved in the production of commercial games such as educational product Worlds of Navitas and augmented-reality game IRL Shooter: Patient 0. He is currently working on a game that teaches cognitive skills to prison inmates.
Conway, S. (2014) “Avastars: The Encoding of Fame within Sport Digital Games.” Playing to Win: Sports, Video Games, and the Culture of Play. Ed. Robert Alan Brookey and Thomas P. Oates. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. Print.
Conway, S. et al (2014). “Game Studies as Field, Formation, and Geography: A Conversation.” Reconstruction: Studies in Contemporary Culture 14.4: online. - this is available at
Conway, S. (2014). “Zombification?: Gamification, Motivation, and the User”. Journal of Gaming and Virtual Worlds 6(2), 129-141.
Conway, S. (2013). “ARGH!: An Exploration of the Response Cries of Digital Game Players”. Journal of Gaming and Virtual Worlds, 5(2), 131–146.
Stewart, G., Conway, S. & Gazzard, A. (2013). “Gamer Studies”. Journal of Gaming and Virtual Worlds 5(2), 113-116.
Conway, S. & Finn, M. (2013). “Carnival Mirrors: Sport and Digital Games”. In B. Hutchins & D. Rowe (Eds.), Digital Media Sport: Technology, Power and Culture in the Network Society. London: Routledge.
Conway, S. (2013). “On Ludicity (Or On Ludic Ambrosia and Dragon’s Teeth)”. In J. Thompson & M. Ouellette (Eds.), The Game Culture Reader. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Conway, S. (2013). “In The Game?: An Everyday Analysis”. In S. Tobin (Ed.), Everyday Play. Retrieved August 05, 2013, from
Conway, S. (2012). "We Used To Win, We Used To Lose, We Used To Play: Simulacra, Hypo-Ludicity And The Lost Art Of Losing". Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture, 9(1), 27–46.
Conway, S. (2010). "Hyper-Ludicity, Contra-Ludicity, and the Digital Game". Eludamos: Journal for Computer Game Culture, 4(nov). Available at
Conway, S. (2010). "'It's in the Game' and Above the Game: An Analysis of the Users of Sports Videogames". Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 16, 334-354.
Conway, S. (2010). "A Circular Wall? Reformulating the fourth wall for video games”. Journal of Gaming and Virtual Worlds 2(2), 145-155.
Conway, S. et al. (2009). "Cheesers, Pullers, and Glitchers: The Rhetoric of Sportsmanship and the Discourse of Online Sports Gamers". Game Studies: The International Journal of Computer Game Research, 9(2). Available at
Conway, S. (2009). "Starting at “Start”: An Exploration of the Nondiegetic in Soccer Video Games". Sociology of Sport Journal, 26(1), 67–88.