Psychology and the Moving Image International (PAMII)

Nadi Fadina

Nadi Fadina
Nadi Fadina
Nadi Fadina

Nadi Fadina is a media entrepreneur and a managing partner in an international film fund. She has been involved in a variety of arts and media related projects, both in profit and non-profit spheres. Nadi holds a Master's degree in International Cinema and is currently completing her PhD in Media Arts. She teaches Film Business in the University of Bedfordshire, however, her academic interests outreach spheres of business and cover ideology, Russian fairytales, sexuality, politics, anthropology, and cinema. Nadi's current research focuses on how ideologies of totalitarian regimes and democratic societies construct and deconstruct gender through the most naturalized media products fairytale animated films.

Fadina, N., (2015) co Eds, The Happiness Illusion: how the media sold us a fairytale, Routledge: Hove


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